Government structures

Examples of NH3/CO2 secondary systems for cold store operators

The wide acceptance of new technologies depends on a myriad of factors, in the technological, economic and social field, that form part of a complex network of interactions. Both innovators and technology adopters share a common concern for respecting the economic bottom-line and for choosing solutions that provide the highest possible level of investment security while being framed by solid industry support and favourable policy conditions.

Examples of NH3/CO2 secondary systems for cold store operators

The wide acceptance of new technologies depends on a myriad of factors, in the technological, economic and social field, that form part of a complex network of interactions. Both innovators and technology adopters share a common concern for respecting the economic bottom-line and for choosing solutions that provide the highest possible level of investment security while being framed by solid industry support and favourable policy conditions. The industrial refrigeration industry is no exception to this. While the use of ammonia has not been challenged on grounds of lacking energy efficiency nor overall environmental benefits, the trend towards reducing the refrigerant charge for increased safety is currently changing the industry.

Nations Aim to Reach an Important Agreement to Protect the Climate while Continuing to Preserve the Ozone Layer

The 197 parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer will meet in Kigali, Rwanda, in a bid to reach an important agreement that could prevent a global temperature rise of up to 0.5°C by the end of the century, while continuing to protect the ozone layer. They will work towards a possible amendment to the Montreal Protocol to phase down hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) – powerful greenhouse gases used as substitutes for ozone-depleting substances.

Remarks at the Montreal Protocol High-level Segment

And I want to express my personal gratitude for the opportunity to be able to share a few thoughts with everybody. I am really honored to be here. I’m delighted to be here. And I want to thank the president of this Meeting of the Parties, Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties, Canada’s Director General for Environment and Climate Change Virginia Poter, as well as Minister Rupprechter and the Government of Austria for hosting yet again another series of critical diplomatic talks.

Remarks at the Montreal Protocol High-level Segment

And I want to express my personal gratitude for the opportunity to be able to share a few thoughts with everybody. I am really honored to be here. I’m delighted to be here. And I want to thank the president of this Meeting of the Parties, Extraordinary Meeting of the Parties, Canada’s Director General for Environment and Climate Change Virginia Poter, as well as Minister Rupprechter and the Government of Austria for hosting yet again another series of critical diplomatic talks.