UNIDO partnership targets refrigerants

The UN’s development organisation is to cooperate with Japan’s refrigerant conservation group JRECO to identify and fund climate-friendly technologies.

In a joint statement, the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and the Japan Refrigerants and Environment Conservation Organisation say they have agreed to join forces in an effort to combat global warming through the introduction of climate-friendly technologies in the refrigerator and air conditioning sector.

Backing by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, they will identify technical cooperation project opportunities to be implemented with funds from the Government of Japan. The agreement falls under a support scheme to enhance bilateral cooperation between UNIDO and Japan under the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol.

“Technological advancements and innovations are indispensable in order to increase energy efficiency in the RAC sector while reducing the use of global warming substances,” said Masato Sakui, JRECO’s Managing Director. “The training of technicians is also necessary in order to adapt to fast-changing technical specifications.”

Established in 1993, JRECO was enlarged in 2013 from a merger with JICOP (Japan Industrial Conference for Ozone Layer and Climate Protection) and INFREP (Industrial Network for Fluorocarbon Recovery Promotion). It is now seen as a “one-stop” site for fluorocarbon issues and measures in Japan, promoting the rational use of fluorocarbons and minimisation of emissions.

“Japanese industries in the RAC sector have valuable expertise for accelerating the replacement of harmful refrigerants with low global warming potential alternatives,” said Ole Nielsen, chief of UNIDO’s Montreal Protocol Division. “JRECO can play a catalytic role in promoting the transfer of the technologies from Japan to the countries working with UNIDO so they can manufacture more energy efficient and safer RAC equipment using alternative refrigerants.”
