HVAC and recycling systems customers

Global walk-in refrigerator market - forecasts from 2022 to 2027

Walk-in refrigerators are employed to store and preserve food, grocery, and pharmaceutical items from the harmful effects of bacteria and fungus. Walk-in refrigerators ensure and provide more space than standard conventional refrigerators. The large and convenient storage space of walk-in refrigerators makes them suitable for storing food and grocery items. Walk-in refrigerators can be widely seen in supermarkets and large restaurants. The increasing number of supermarkets and hypermarkets is also increasing the need for storing food and decaying commodities in a single preserving facility. The increasing number of restaurants and hotels is boosting the demand for walk-in refrigerators in the market. The need for preserving food items on a large scale is now growing on a daily basis, which also provides scope for the growth of the walk-in refrigerator market. Pharmaceuticals and medicinal equipment are also things, that have to be stored in a well preserved and protected manner. Walk-in refrigerators are also efficiently used in the pharmaceutical and medical fields.

The future of heat pumps

Europe have the deep global energy crisis. Among the host of measures countries are taking in response to the crisis, heat pumps are one of the most important long-term solutions widely available today to reduce natural gas use for heating, improve energy security, keep consumers’ energy bills affordable, and make progress on reducing emissions.

28 - 30 November 2022 - Three-day coordination meeting at the Landmark Hotel in Amman, Jordan to discuss progress achieved in the implementation of Montreal Protocol

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) OzonAction Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP), West Asia Office, organized a coordination meeting to discuss progress achieved in the implementation of Montreal Protocol, which brought together representatives from the National Ozone Unit (NOU) / Ministry of Environment in Iraq and members of the UNEP CAP West Asia team to discuss progress achieved in the implementation of Montreal Protocol funded projects in Iraq, namely the second stage of the HCFC phase-out management plan (HPMP) and Phase V of the Institutional Strengthening Project (ISP), as well as challenges faced and the support that can be provided to the NOU and national team to ensure the sound implementation of activities under those two projects.

China phases out 504,000 tons of ODS over past 30 years

After 30 years of unremitting efforts, China has phased out a total of 504,000 tons of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) since its accession to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, contributing significantly to climate change mitigation and ozone layer protection, the country’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment said on Monday.